VIVO Library Monthly Subscription Trial
After your 7-day FREE trial, you will be charged £22 per month for full unrestricted access to the VIVO Library.
You can cancel your subscription at any time before 11.59 pm of the 7th day. If you choose to continue then your first payment will be taken at midnight.
Your monthly subscription can be cancelled at any time with 7 day's notice.
VIVO Library 6 Monthly Subscription Trial
After your 7-day FREE trial, you will be charged £110 for 6 months of full unrestricted access to the VIVO Library.
You can cancel your subscription at any time before 11.59 pm of the 7th day. If you choose to continue then your first payment will be taken at midnight.
Your 6 monthly subscription can be canceled at any time with 7 day's notice.
'VIVO Free' Membership Option
With a VIVO Free membership, you will be able to join the Live 'HOME' Classes I run every week - you can also join in any of the FREE challenges that I run.
VIVO Free membership does not give you access to the VIVO LIbrary which has over 50 great classes for all levels.
However, you can check out the library classes with the library subscription FREE trials on the left